Thursday, March 29, 2007

Barbie? Yes I an a secret fanatic

Although i haven't played with Barbies in years, i have to say this product is pretty crazy. Man where will technology go next. Her mouth actually moves to the music. She , I mean it, lip-syncs. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but the website makes her look spot on.

As yet i don't have the spot, but i will update once i do.

Retro Anyone?

Hey, Where is the promised animation you ask? Well i have a scene done but i haven't been able to test it yet. However, I can shoe you some stuff i've been working lately. These two shots are from designs, boards and animations i am working on right NOW....for WB Latin America. They're not finalized, but i like them so far.

Yes, I am designing, boarding and animating.....

I also did some work for M&Ms which i don't have, but i will see what i can do to wrangle it up.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Taking it in stride

So, i'm finally blowing the dust off the old stringth animatic and getting down to some work. I retimed some things but i haven't really found the right music for it yet. Perhaps some wonderfully talented musician might give it a try?

Thats the animatic. I've just printed out all the frames to use as reference on my new scanner/printer! It works like a charm. Granted i haven't done any real heavy duty printing, but the colors look pretty darn close to me even on regular xerox paper. I've also written out the time between frames so it should be easier to animate. All i have to do is find the ream of animation bond that is hiding from me!!!!

Oh...yeah it's true, this means i have two scanners.

The scanner is the Canon Canoscan Lide 600F. After i figured out that it needs the original to be superflat for a good scan, i loved it. The color accuracy is great and it is also fast.

The scanner/printer is also from Canon. It is the Pixma MP600. Comparing the scanner, this guy is a little red in the color accuracy, and it seems to push the contrast up a little so lines are sharper which is nice and blotches are more defined which can be nice. It is also a little slower, but all in all it is quite lovable. The cover is also much heavier so i don't have to hold it down.

And now, i can scan twice as fast as you can!!! Of course if i'm working on one project, i cant split a scene between the two scanners because the colors will come out slightly different.....

Oh and for dinner, i made snap peas, scrambled eggs, tofu, onions and grapefruit in a curry marinera sauce. It is really quite good. Topped with parmesan it makes me happy.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

figural drawings

By now, its pretty apparent that i'm a lot more interested in drawing figures than backgrounds. In particular, for the last few years, i've been pretty obsessed with the recombination of parts of animals. Here's one i particularly like.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Water Sleeves~01

Hey, so i said i would update you guys on whats happening, so here's a painting i'm working on.....Let's just hope it turns out well.

It will be done in watercolor. I didn't wash out the sizing because i want the paint to sit on top of the paper ant not soak in so much. This isn't so great for longevity but i am also looking forward to the blotchiness and surface mistakes that should appear.

This is the original sketch in my sketchbook in an attempt to keep the actual painting fresh.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sketchbook '04

In no particular order, some old sketches from 2004.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Oooooh~ Baby!

so, i just got my very first mac. It's refurbed, but i just received it yesterday at 1:20 PM. Yes i'm that excited that i recorded the time. Even though it's a refurb, it seems to be just dandy. Its a 15 inch macbook pro 2.33GB. So far i've tried out most things but the cd drive.....I've also dled modo onto it...whoo hoo, anyway, i should be uploaded some yummy tidbits on what i've been working on soon enough.


note: the above is the picture the mac startup had me take. Decent camera for vid conferencing.